Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Most Important Choice?

Have you ever noticed the number of toothpaste options available to you?  It's ridiculous! Or is it? Are we fortunate to have so many options or are these options preventing us from concentrating on what is truly important in our lives? Some researchers suggest that we are inundated, consumed and ultimately held hostage by the number of choices we are faced with. Others will claim that numerous choices are a result of our freedom to innovate and that we should not limit this capability in an effort to let the 'market' decide what is most favorable. I can appreciate both points of view. But the most important choice you can make only has 2 options and can be applied to those situations that have infinite outcomes.

Choose positivity over negativity. Life is so much better when we surround ourselves with people that want to see us succeed.  Life is so much better when we focus on the good things that happen to us each day instead of dwelling on the downer moments. Life is so much better when we smile, take an interest in others and look for opportunities to help others.

If you read this and think, "No kidding. I could have told you that," what prevented you from thinking, "This isn't anything new but I agree!"?  

Changing our behaviors and habits isn't easy and takes time, but if we work to approach each day from the mindset of making choices from a positive point-of-view instead of a negative outlook, we can significantly alter our perception of the world. We also put ourselves in a position to have a positive effect on others. Positivity and negativity is contagious.  And the last time I checked (figuratively and literally speaking), negative people are unhappy people.

I'm not sure it is possible to be positive all of the time, but we do have the power to make the conscious decision to limit the amount of time we flirt with negative thoughts.

As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, Americans are bombarded with options and choices. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Who knows? Just be careful not to become paralyzed by the abundance of it all. 

Here's how: Pick the options and make the choices you can be positive about.  Forget all the rest.  Life is much better that way.

1 comment:

  1. I heard Dennis Prager, a 'conservative' talk-show host, comment the other day about how watching too much media/news over the long term corrupts--corrupts the soul/hope/optimism--because the focus tends to be negative events/problems. No doubt it's important to be aware/knowledgeable--but in moderation. Watching HGTV or the Travel Channel a lot doesn't count in the above criticism, though. Just turn off local news--and read the WSJ, and you'll be fine...and more positive.
    Nice post Schmidty.
